To add more rows or lines to a sheet, select the last blank row and drag downwards. This works both for Excel and Google Sheets.
How do I change Etsy Fees?
First copy and Paste Values so your old Etsy Fees turn to text and are not updated. Then go to Info Sheet and enter in new fee percentage.
How do I change eBay Fees?
Go to Info Sheet and enter in the new fee percentage. Go back to eBay Sales Sheet and select the new fee from the drop-down list. Put cursor in bottom right of the cell and drag downwards.
How do I change formulas into text in Google Sheets?
Select the cells with the formulas and go to Edit, Copy. Then go back to Edit and select Paste Special, Paste values only.
How do I change formulas into text in Excel?
Select the cells with the formulas and click Copy in on the menu bar. Then click the arrow below Paste and select Values.
What is the difference between Purchases and Inventory Sheet?
The Purchases Sheet is for everything you purchased for retail for the year. The Inventory Sheet is just what you currently have listed (in stock). Once you sell an item, you remove it from Inventory but the item stays on the Purchases Sheet.
How do I change currencies in Google Sheets?
Go to File, Spreadsheet Settings. Under Locale, select your country. To change the current currency, select the cells and go Format drop-down. Select the appropriate currency.
Under the Home tab, go over to the Styles section. Right-click on Currency and select Modify. Select Currency on the left of the dialog box. Select the appropriate currency from the drop-down list.